What many assumed, has this week been verified by the Hurun China Rich List, founded by Rupert Hoogewerf: Chinese travelers spend more during their trips than tourists of any other country on luxury goods. Negative: they travel less than in the past, write a range of publications.
Chinese tourism consumption in 2012 averaged 875 euros ($1,139) per trip, making China the worldwide leader for the third consecutive year, the Shanghai-based Hurun Research Institute announced Monday.
Compared to tourists from other nations, Chinese travelers spent the most per trip, accounting for 24 percent of overall global tourism consumption in 2012.
Russian and Japanese tourists ranked second and third, respectively, according to The Chinese Luxury Traveler White Paper 2013, issued jointly by Hurun and International Luxury Travel Market Asia.
“Chinese luxury travelers have played a very important role in the global tourism industry,” said Rupert Hoogewerf, chairman and chief researcher of the Hurun Report.
Data from the China Tourism Academy indicated that a total of 83.1 million Chinese people traveled abroad in 2012, an 18.4 percent increase from 2011. This makes China the biggest outbound tourism market in the world.
But Chinese tourists travel slight less than in past years, writes the Daily Travel News. But when they travel, Europe has their preference.
Chinese luxury travelers are going overseas less, down to an average 2.8 trips a year. The frequency of travel is slightly higher in First Tier Cities. The internet and magazines are the main sources of information when deciding travel destinations. Chinese luxury travelers are going overseas in smaller groups, most often in a group of three to ten people. Expenditure on hotel rooms is higher than the global average and Chinese tourists are the largest travelling nationality in the world for the third year running – and have widened the gap with second place…
According to Hurun Report’s survey on ILTM’s domestic travel agency database, most package tours last for 9.8 days on average and most consist of between three to ten travelers (53%). 43% of travel groups contain over ten individuals. Trips overseas last for an average of 7.4 days with 63% in the five to eight day travel time bracket. On each overseas trip, Chinese travelers visit one or two countries and the preferred destination is France, followed by the US. Family, friends, and the entrepreneurs themselves control the booking process. The deciding travel factors are shopping, culture, cuisine, and finally business potential. 43% of Chinese travelers spend over US$5,000 (excluding flights) per trip, and 11% of them spend over US$10,000.Tour group sizes are generally smaller for luxury travelers who are spending over US$10,000 (excluding flights). On average there are 7.1 people per group and only 16% of tour groups are larger than ten travelers. For big spending travelers, trips are usually longer, all over five days and half over eight days, with the average trip time being 9.6 days. Most fly business class and inChina prefer Air Chinaand internationally Singapore Airlines. Their preferred destination is France, followed by Switzerland. Most travel with family but also with alumni associations and private clubs.
Rupert Hoogewerf is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers’ request form.
China Weekly Hangout
What do Chinese tourists want, is the question the China Weekly Hangout will dive into at Thursday June 20, together with China travel expert Roy Graff of ChinaContact. You can read our announcement here, or register at our event page for participation.
A growing number of wealthy Chinese not only travel, but leave their country. The China Weekly Hangout discussed the issue in September 2012 with lawyer Li Meixian, blogger Isaac Mao and business professor Richard Brubaker. Moderation by president of the China Speakers Bureau, Fons Tuinstra.