Shanghai Food, China second largest food producer, bought a controlling stake in Weetabix, the iconic British cereal producer. Ben Cavender of the China Market Research (CMR) believes there is room in the China market for the foreign food producer, he tells in the Nicosia Business Review (in a copy from the FT).
“I think there is a place in the market for Weetabix,” said Ben Cavender of China Market Research in Shanghai. “Food safety concerns in China give Bright the opportunity to leverage that brand by saying this is a product with safe ingredients, made to international standards.”
However, Bright may want to adapt the product for Chinese tastes, he added.
More in the Nicosia Business Review.
Ben Cavender is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers’ request form.