August is typically the month in the year for kicking off a new business cycle. The summer heat is retreating and – where applicable – decision makers return to their desks, full with new ideas they picked up during their holidays. It is no different with our group of eminent speakers who belong to the most-sought speakers for August of this year.
Most spectacular performance was by Marc van der Chijs, co-founder of the video sharing firm Tudou, who helped to kick off the IPO of his firm this month in what mildly can be described as an adversary stock climate. Against all odds Tudou decided to go for a listing at Nasdaq, while most other companies retreated. And so, we found Marc (on the picture second from the right) at the Nasdaq stage.
The internet in China, and government measures to curtail it, was again full in the public attention. No wonder that our internet analyst Jeremy Goldkorn appeared regularly as a commentator after the Wenzhou train crash and many other events in China. And our celebrity author Bill Dodson launched his promotional video. And our relative newcomer at the China Speakers Bureau Mark Obama Ndesandjo saw his novel Nairobi To

Shenzhen: A Novel of Love in the East translated into Chinese and made an appearance at the Shanghai book festival. And our defense specialist Wendell Minnick broke the news, Taiwan will not get its F-16’s from the US.
In all case, reason enough to join their pre-autumn hectic with our list of most-sought speakers for August 2011.
Most-sought speakers for August 2011 (July in brackets)
- Shaun Rein (1)
- Kaiser Kuo (2)
- Paul French (7)
- Tom Doctoroff (-)
- Bill Dodson (9)
- Jeremy Goldkorn (-)
- Wendell Minnick (-)
- Tricia Wang (10)
- Mark Obama Ndesandjo (-)
- Marc van der Chijs (-)
Related articles
- Sharing the stage at Tudou’s IPO – Marc van der Chijs (
- Most-sought speakers for June 2011 (
- ‘Nairobi to Shenzhen’ hits China market – Mark Obama Ndesandjo (