In the first week of June at the China Speakers Bureau we expanded our book publishing service. That was noted and friends have sent us this link to this June 4, article in the Wall Street Journal, putting our new service in a new development of disruptive technologies, a nail in the coffin of traditional publishers.
Not only is the usage of so-called books exploding, self-publishing hard cover books and paperbacks is returning the power from the publishing houses solidly back into the hands of the authors. Not only books who are not interesting for traditional publisher get a chance, even authors of bestsellers are making the move:
The WSJ quotes Richard Nash, a former traditional publisher turning digital:
“It shows best-selling authors that there are alternatives – they can hire their own publicists, their own online marketing specialist, a freelance editor, and a distribution service…”
Amazon is offering authors now 70% of their royalties. Richard Nash: “If they have already a loyal fan base, will they want 70% of $100,000 of 15% of $200,000 for a hardcover?”
At the China Speakers Bureau we have joined the bandwagon, helping authors to find their way in this fast moving industry, helping to find ghost-writers, copy-editors, art designers, and the most lucrative publishing service. For more information and a quotation – also for authors who do not belong to our speakers’ agency, do get in touch.