Just like in September, our top-10 ranking of most-sought speakers sees this month a relative huge shift, including a new number one: Kaiser Kuo. Shaun Rein has been holding this place since we started the ranking last year after we started the China Speakers Bureau, but now Kaiser Kuo has beaten him, although by a very small margin. Also four newcomers, although they have been all in this ranking before.
Both Kuo and Rein have been working hard in the mainstream media and Kaiser Kuo had on top of that two major key note speeches, possibly explaining his current position at the top.
We follow the media adventures of our speakers pretty close, and over the past few month we see a steady drop in the quotation we see. Perhaps the downturn in the media is at last also hitting the coverage of China or China-related subjects, but we are not sure of that.
Who was not missed by the media was Rupert Hoogewerf – although he dropped a bit in the rankings. His latest Hurun report, telling us the the rich in China have become more rich, has been quoted in 48 hours in almost a dozen different languages including Korean and Vietnamese, showing he really got a hot subject.
Annette Nijs climbed as she presented her book in China on October 1 in Amsterdam, unfortunately only in Dutch, but we expect a translation into English soon. Also back is our celebrity author Zhang Lijia, who is currently at a prestigious program in the US, so had little time to work on the media, but still got back in our ranking.
The October top-10 (September in brackets)
- Kaiser Kuo (2)
- Shaun Rein (1)
Zhang Lijia by Fantake via Flickr
- William Overholt (7)
- Annette Nijs (10)
- Victor Shih (9)
- Tom Doctoroff (5)
- William Bao Bean (-)
- Jeremy Goldkorn (-)
- Rupert Hoogewerf (4)
- Zhang Lijia (-)